Alcohol affects your brain.
alcohol leads to a loss of coordination, poor judgment, slowed reflexes,
distorted vision, memory lapses, and even blackouts.
Alcohol affects your
body. Alcohol
can damage every organ in your body. It is absorbed directly into your
bloodstream and can increase your risk for a variety of life-threatening
diseases, including cancer.
Alcohol affects your
Alcohol depresses your central nervous system, lowers your inhibitions, and
impairs your judgment. Drinking can lead to risky behaviors, such as driving
when you shouldn’t, or having unprotected sex.
The word
Drug is defined as "any substance other than food
that can affect the way your mind and body work." There are hundreds of
different drugs, each with its particular effect on the body's nervous
system. Narcotics are a series of drugs that affect the mind, causing
mental changes. The United States Government will not allow any new drug
to be prescribed by a doctor or sold by a pharmacist until the drug has
been thoroughly tested and proven to be medically safe. These
tests take as long as years before they are approved for use by the
public; and even after they have been approved and sold for years,
serious side effects may appear and the drug is removed and
discarded for any further medical use.
Smoking is the most common cause
of lung cancer. Smoking is also a leading cause of cancer of the mouth, throat,
bladder, pancreas, and kidney. Smokeless tobacco can cause mouth cancer, tooth
loss, and other health problems.
Tobacco affects your body's
Smoking is particularly harmful for teens because your body is still growing and
changing. The 200 known poisons in cigarette smoke affect your normal
development and can cause life-threatening diseases, such as chronic bronchitis,
heart disease, and stroke.
По секрету скажу, что никогда не любила и не пользовалась книгой
для учителя. Я ж трудилась во времена господства учебника Старкова. И как только
я открывала Книгу для учителя, у меня начинало сводить судорогой челюсть… Не
буду объяснять, почему. Дело прошлое.
Итак. Урок, в основу которого я положила текст "Spring ”
Проработав 23 года учителем
английского языка средней школы, я получила возможность свой накопленный
опыт оформить в виде учебного пособия. Зачем и почему? Многих
учителей, и меня в том числе, не устраивал учебник Старкова А.П., который
был в нашем распоряжении как единственный федеральный (в то время ещё и
общесоюзный) учебник для общеобразовательных школ. Это сейчас учитель
может купить разные учебники, которые может использовать в своей практике.
А в начале 90-х это было проблематично.
Everyone needs a friend. Some people want to have a lot of friends, others need one, or two close ones. Sometimes you choose friends, sometimes other people choose you as their friend. Some of us make friends easily, but there are people who are shy, and it is very difficult for them to make friends. Having friends of your own age is important. These friends tend to look at things the same way you do because they have the same fears, interests, options, problems and worries that you do. Your friends can listen and understand how you feel whether you are dealing with a problem at school or at home. Your friends are there when you are feeling down, when you are eager of sharing a happy experience.
Let’s talk more about friendship. Our talks and discussions will sure help you to identify the special qualities that you posses as a person, clarify your values, and decide what characteristics to look for in friends. Maybe it will help you in making friends and resolving difficulties when they threaten your friendship.
Are you a new comer to this school? Does your English teacher know you very well? Do you want your friends to know you better? This section will help you to introduce yourself to your classmates and the teacher, and maybe get to know yourself better.
”Why should I read newspapers and magazines? I get news on TV and radio.” You may have heard people say that. They don’t know that there is much more fun than just news in a newspaper or a magazine.
You enjoy reading special articles about hobbies, home, sport, and movie stars. Maybe you’ll like comics. You read where to buy what you need at a lowest price, what happened yesterday in your town and around the world. Newspapers also tell you where to go for fun. They also tell you about shows and sports. Lots of events happen to people, and newspapers tell you what happened, who did it, where it happened, why it happened and how it happened.
Reading is one way people become well informed. Whenever you sit down to read, you are also sitting down to learn. This is true no matter what the reading is - a novel, a newspaper, a magazine article, a textbook, or even the label on a bag of cookies. Written words are always a message from one person to another - just as spoken words are. So, the very act of reading - reading anything - means you are learning what the message is the author has set down for you.
There are so many things I can be when I leave school! I can enter a college or an institute or a university, or go to work at a factory, an office or on a farm. Some of my friends haven’t made up their mind yet what to do after leaving school. But most of my classmates know very well what to do and what profession to choose for living. Scholars say that there are five types of professions:” man plus man”, "man plus nature”, "man plus machinery”, "man plus artistic image”, "man plus sign systems”.