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Людмила Бали - Учебное пособие (стр. 10-12) - EXPLORING MYSELF


Are you a new comer to this school? Does your English teacher know you very well? Do you want your friends to know you better?  This section will help you to introduce yourself to your classmates and the teacher, and maybe get to know yourself better.

Write your own life story to introduce yourself.

 These questions are supposed to help you.


1. When and where were you born?

2. Where have you lived?

3. At what age did you go to school?

4. What exciting unusual things have happened to you? (You might want to ask your parents for some help here.)

5. What are you interested in?

6. What things do you especially like? (dislike?)

7. What makes you different from other people?

8. What do you like about yourself?

9. What do you dislike about yourself?

10. What would you change about yourself?

11. What do you care about most?

12. What would you most like to know?

13. Where would you like to go?

14. What exciting things have you done?

15. What could you share with others?

16. What would you change about the world?

17. What are some things that make you happy?   ( angry?   sad?  afraid?)


Please, don’t forget about your family. Tell us:


- how many people there are in your family

- their names

- what they are like

- whether your brothers and sisters are older or younger

- what type of work your parents do

- about your family pets

You can interview your parents and grandparents and then tell us about them.

Here are some questions as an example.

1. Did you have a big family?

2. How many brothers and sisters did you have?

3. Where did you spend your childhood?

4. Where did you go to school?

5. What was your favorite class?

6. What kind of games did you play?

7. Did you like to read books?  Which ones?

8. What was your favorite holiday?

9. How did you celebrate it?

10. What is your favorite holiday now?

11. Did you have a best friend?

12. What did you do together?

13. What was (is) your favorite food?

14. Did you have a pet?


There are so many questions to ask; the list is endless! Be creative. You can do an excellent job!


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...

Take this quick test to see how you feel about your looks. Read each statement and decide how you feel about it. Mark how you honestly feel, not how you think you should answer.

SA - strongly agree

A - agree

NO - no concern

D - disagree

SD - strongly disagree








1. I am generally happy with the way I look






2. There is at least one thing about my appearance that I would change.






3. I am self - conscious about my looks, especially at school or parties.






4. How I look today affects how I feel today.






5. If I had nicer clothes, people would like me better.






6. Popular people are physically attractive.






7. In today’s society, good looks, and good athletic ability are more important that good grades.






8. An attractive appearance is more important than a good personality.






9. Everything seems to go wrong on a bad hair day.






10. It takes a lot of money to look good.






11. If you don’t wear the latest style of brand name clothes, you are nothing at this school.







The result will show how much you like yourself. You might have an interesting discussion at the lesson.

Today I Feel...

This is a list of different feelings. Circle the phrases or the sentences that describe how you see yourself today.

Are the items circled positive or negative? If they are negative, what can you do to change the situation tomorrow, so that tomorrow you could circle a different feeling or statement?




I am happy. I am sick. I am good. I am beautiful. I’m a loser. I’m a winner. I’m dump. I am fine. I’m okay. I am bad. I am clumsy. I am a gossip. I’m neurotic. I am sad. I am a bore. I am a mess. I am cool. I am successful. I am graceful. I am a failure. I am lovable. I am slick. I am smart. I am confused. I am a good person I am a slow learner. I am not okay. I am crazy. I am up. I am down.  


Now, could you match the phrases or the statements with the pictures given below?


























Категория: Людмила Бали | Добавил: belomor (12.12.2009)
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