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Толстикова Т.А. [59] Некрасова Т.М. [0]
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I.E. Repin

Portrait "V.V. Stasov” (1883)


Il'ya Efimovich Repin was a great Russian artist. He played a prominent role in the development of Russian democratic art of the 19-th century. Repin with Kramskoy, Surikov, Ge occupied the central place in the development of new art. Working at all ways of painting, the artist put his main problem to tell truthfully about the soul of Russian people, to show it's typical representatives, to give an idea of the history of the country. The portrait painting is one of the brightest pages of Repin's creations. Expression of people's faces always attracted Repin.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 985 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 23.03.2010 | Комментарии (0)

"The family is the ultimate source of social inequality”. Does it still hold?

The most important element of social structure -social institute - is family. The family status is an index of the condition of society; it shows the degree of its development. Family is a very old social institute, which have different forms. Arguments can't stop about what form is more alive able and fit to traditions and national peculiarity of a country. In the last century Russian "slavianofils" expected the males to dominate in all family decisions making - a patriarchy. Other members of the family had to carry out his will. The role of women was to reproduction and upbringing the children and to run a farm. But there were a lot of opponents against such position.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1181 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 23.03.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Laws and punishment in modern society

In every country and society people collide with different kinds of crimes. Sociologists are trying to find the best and more democratic way to punish criminals. There are such kinds of crimes as: murders, assaults, robbery, burglary, sexual offenses, thefts, smuggling, mugging, house-breaking and drug peddling. Punishment of offender depends of the infringement of the law. It is divided into crimes and offences (civil, administrative and disciplinary). Offenders of crimes are sentence to life or temporary imprisonment, conditional discharge, penalty or sometimes death punishment. I think that violence itself is a very vicious circle. When petty offenders are sent to prison they are generally kept in unbearable conditions, they may lose their jobs, their homes or even their families. Moreover, acquire more criminal experience. Thus by the time they come out again they may be set on a life of crime again. Therefore some punishments are not very weighty.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 908 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 23.03.2010 | Комментарии (0)

  My favorite actor (Jared Leto)

   I think movies and television in whole make big influence on people of all kinds especially teenagers. I consider myself as a modern person so I can't stay away from such rapidly developing art as cinema. No doubt I have my favorite genres and actors. I keen on psychological, historical and war dramas. My favorite actor is Jared Leto, I'd like to tell you some facts about him.

"My favorite singer" (Vladimir Kuzmin)

  Music is an important part of our life. There are huge numbers of different styles. From techno to metal, from pop to classical rock. I like rock music. My favorite singer is Vladimir Kuzmin. He has reached success in 1980's and his songs are still listened to.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1813 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 23.03.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Terrorism is a premeditated, politically motivated violence, aimed on civilians and carried out by sub-national groups. It usually takes the form of bombing, shooting, hijacking, hostage capture and assassinations.

It may sound strange but terrorism as a phenomenon existed even in Ancient Greece. First known terroristic act was setting Arthemida's temple on fire, that took place in the year 356 B.C. and was made by a man called Gerostratus. But at that time such acts were an exception, not a rule.

Things first changed when the sea piracy came to the period of temporary legalization. Then it had some traits of the "classical" terrorism, for example the pirates could act as mercenaries, and a huge fleet of hired pirates' ships could be a major threat for most cities and fortresses at that time. This was often used then for existing political pressure on hostile countries.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 705 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 05.02.2010 | Комментарии (0)

The equality of men and women.


Male feminist? What the devil is that? Isn't that a contradiction in terms? Or even an oxymoron? No! It is not.

Feminism is the idea, and the organized movement that supports it, that advocates political, economic, and social equality for both men and women - the key word being equality.

A feminist is a person who believes in and supports this idea. So, a male feminist is a man who believes in equal rights for both men and women.

To answer often thought but unasked questions in some men's minds, no, this does not mean that women want to be the same as men; they simply want equal rights, and no, a male feminist is not a man who wants to be a woman; he, too, is a person who simply wants equal rights for both sexes.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1912 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 23.03.2010 | Комментарии (0)

The History of Fashion

1.      Introduction

2.      History of fashion:


a)     Roman clothing

b)     wings and hair-fashion

c)     history of fashion in Russia


3.      Practical part

4.      Resume

5.      Bibliography

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1055 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 05.02.2010 | Комментарии (0)

The Problems of Teen-Agers


There are many young people in our country. Each of them has one's own point of view on their life and their future. There are many problems which are common for all young people. For Example: how to spend their free time, what to do after school, choosing a profession, how to deal with a girl and boy-friends and so on. There are a lot of programmes on TV which try to help them, but it's too little.

The problem number one of most young people is the problem of fathers and sons. All young people want to be independent; they want their parents to listen to their opinion, not to interfere in their private life. Some parents neglect their children, because they can't find a common language with each other. Different newspapers and magazines try to solve this problem and I advise such parents to read them.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1185 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 23.03.2010 | Комментарии (0)

What is globalization?




When did globalization begin?

The features of globalization

What are the environmental impacts of globalization?

Is globalization shifting power from nation states to undemocratic organizations?

How does globalization affect culture? Is it 'Americanization'?

Globalization in Russia

Who are the players?

What is the role of the internet and communications' technologies in globalization?


Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1544 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 05.02.2010 | Комментарии (0)

What should be done to avoid crimes in big cities.

It's not a secret, that nowadays the crime rate speeds up fast. People are afraid of going out of home, because all of them are potential victims of burglary and so on. How can we stop violence and crimes? This is the most important question nowadays. I think there are two reasons of the people to commit crimes.

First of all it is poverty. There are a lot of have-nots and hoboes in big cities. The problems are unemployment and high cost of living. Everyone suffers from exorbitant rents for tiny flats and a lot of extra expanses. Not every one can pay for flat, so people try to get "easy money"- they begin to commit crimes. I think to avoid this, the wages of have-nots and extended families should be risen or the cost of living should not be so high.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 2909 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 23.03.2010 | Комментарии (0)

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