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Людмила Бали [29] Ирина Каменская [0]
Толстикова Т.А. [59] Некрасова Т.М. [0]
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A weekly Miss Muse's column of the funniest English idioms. 10 Hot Idioms in a biligual format weekly.

В разделе материалов: 91
Показано материалов: 61-70
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Unit III




Text I.


A political system is a cultural universal and a social institution formed in every society. Each society must have a political system because politics is deciding who gets what, when and how.

Power is at the heart of a political system, for it is defined as the ability to exercise one's will ever others. Power relations can involve large organizations, small groups, or even people in an intimate association.

There are three basic sources of power within any political system — force, influence and authority. Force is the actual or threatened use of coercion to impose one's will on others. When leaders imprison or even execute political dissidents, they are applying force; so, too; are terrorists when they seize an embassy or assassinate a political leader. Influence, on the other hand, refers to the exercise of power through a process of persuasion. A citizen may change his or her political position because of the newspaper editorial, an expert testimony, or a stirring speech at a rally by a political activist.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 6301 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 24.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Unit 4

The World community


Text 1


The United Nations is an organization of sovereign nations representing almost all of humanity. It has as its central goal the maintenance of international peace and security. Additionally, its purposes call for the development of friendly relations among nations based on equal rights and self-determination of peoples and, through international co-operation, the solution of problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian nature.

The United Nations is the meeting-place where representatives of all member states — great and small, rich and poor, with varying political views and social systems — have a voice and an equal vote in shaping a common course of action.

The United Nations has played, and continues to play, an active role in reducing tension in the world, preventing conflicts and putting an end to fighting already under way.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 9179 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 24.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Additional material to Unit 4 (The World Community) and Pupils’ Press Releases


People set up different organizations for various purposes. What do you know about these organizations? Are you a member of any organization? Which organization would you join? Why?

The 20th century is characterized by/the creation of international organizations: only a small number of the international organizations now in existence were formed before 1850, and about 90% were organized in the period 1900-1956. In the 1980s there were more than 2500 international organizations, of which about 750 were formed after World War II. This number included more than 130 intergovernmental agencies, of which the most notable were the United Nations and its affiliates.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1487 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 24.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Unit 5.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Text 1

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a charter of civil and political rights drawn up by the United Nations in 1948. These rights include the right to life, liberty, education and equality before the law; to freedom of movement, religion, association, and information; and to a nationality. Under the European Convention of Human Rights of 1950, the Council of Europe established the European Commission of Human Rights (headquarters in Strasbourg, France), which investigates complaints by states or individuals, and its findings are examined by the European Court of Human Rights (established in 1959), whose compulsory jurisdiction has been recognized by a number of states, including the UK. In 1988 the European Court condemned as unlawful the UK procedure of holding those suspected of terrorism for up to seven days with no judicial control.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 979 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 24.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Unit 6

Armed Forces and Military Organizations


I. Read the text and translate it with the help of dictionary

Text 1

Ten Facts about the US Army

1. The Armed Forces of the USA include the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. The regular components are manned by both men and women who make the military life their profession. Under the Constitution of the United States the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The President is assisted by several agencies. At the top is the US Security Council which gives advice to the President. This Council is composed of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense. Under its supervision is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 2729 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 24.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Скачать весь спецкурс "Religion" одним файлом можно здесь


Unit I



Ex. 1. Read the text and discuss it with your partner


Many religions exist on our planet. Among them there is Christianity, the Orthodox, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism and others. But God is unique for every confession.

The science says that there are physical laws that govern the physical universe. The Church says that there are spiritual laws which govern our relationship with God.

The universe, the world and man came into existence in the beginning when God created heaven and earth and all creatures. The Bible presents a true and historical account of Creation.

Man was created by God in his own image. He was created perfectly and without sin. Man can talk with God by praying with his mouth or simply his heart since God knows man's heart.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 2177 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 05.02.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Unit II

History of Religion. New Ideas about Religion.


Text I


New Ideas About Religion

The people of Western Europe were all Roman Catholics, but by AD 1500, many were unhappy with the way the Church was being run. The Popes and many of the priests seemed interested only in wealth and power and set a bad example in the way they lived their lives. This led to a movement, which became known as the "Reformation", to change and reform the Christian Church. People who joined the movement were called "Protestants" because they were protesting about things that they thought were wrong.

In 1517 a German monk called Martin Luther nailed a list of 95 complaints about the Church and the way priests behaved, to the door of Wittenberg church in Germany.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 801 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 05.02.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Скачать весь спецкурс "Social Life" одним файлом можно здесь

Unit 1

What is Beauty?


Learning objectives

After studying this unit, you should be able to answer the following questions:

1.      Can people answer the question what beauty is?

2.      Can you offer your understanding what beauty is?

3.      Through what process does human beauty change?

4.      Why do people make a distinction between elements of physical and spiritual beauty?

5.      Where can you find beauty?

6.      How do people understand physical and spiritual beauty?

7.      Why do people believe that beauty will save the world?

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1050 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 26.12.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Unit 2

Inside and Outside Beauty


Text 2


What is beauty? Well, it's a rather difficult question for discussion, as it's a very extensive notion and there are many opinions about it. As for me, I have never thought about it from a philosophical point of view. For me "beautiful" means "wonderful", "excellent" and "pleasant for the eyes"; and I think that beauty can't be only in person's appearance, but also in his soul, nature and arts.

Very often we speak about beauty in a person's appearance. Usually when we see somebody who is attractive, has modern and cool clothes, we say that he or she is a beautiful person. It's the appearance that attracts people (us). I think such beauty is important in modeling, show business, advertising, and on television. And I am sure it's right because I don't think you'll enjoy an ad, a concert, a TV program or a magazine, if it shows a careless, unattractive and casual person. No doubt you know that many people, especially teens, listen to songs or watch TV pro-grams because they are performed by a pretty singer or a nice host. But sometimes it happens that when a good-looking person opens his mouth he begins to say such silly things, that very soon you are sorry to have started talking to him. And now you realize that it's not his appearance that is important, but his inner side. I am sure all of you have heard the proverb "Beauty is only skin deep". I agree with this proverb related to a person's communicative, ability to hold conversation. But on the other hand, it is not so pleasant to be always laughed at, to feel as if you are an ugly duckling. That's why I can't say what is better: to be beautiful inside or outside. Of course it will be wonderful if these two beauties are combined in one person. Of course it happens, but not so often as one would like.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1801 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 26.12.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Unit 3

Elements of Beauty




Learning Objects

After studying this unit you should be able to understand that the attitude of people to a person depends on many things: his age, body, mind, manners, behaviour, abilities, character and appearance.


Text 1


"How old are you?" It's a simple question, and there is usually a simple answer: "sixteen years old," "twenty years old," "fifty-five," etc. But if someone is described as young or middle-aged or old, then how old is that person? It's difficult to know because these are words that have different meanings for different people. Except for the word teenager, which describes someone whose age ends in the syllable "teen" (such as fourteen, fifteen or sixteen), words which describe age are not exact. When, for example, does a baby stop being called a baby and become a young child? When does a boy become a young man and a little girl become a young woman? At what age does middle age begin? When do you call someone elderly and not simply old? At what age does someone become an adult? In some countries, it is when the government says a person is old enough to vote. Is that really the difference between a child and an adult? The answers to these questions partly depend on how old you are. There is a saying that old age is always ten years older than yourself. If you are fifteen, then you think someone of twenty-five is old. At thirty, forty seems old. If you are seventy, then you probably think someone of eighty is old. A recent survey showed that there was some truth in the old saying. People were asked. "What is middle age?" Those in their early twenties usually answered, "Between thirty-five and fifty," and people in their thirties answered, "Between forty-five and sixty."

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 4453 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 26.12.2009 | Комментарии (0)

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