
Английский для учителей и учеников
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Верхогляд В. А. Английские народные сказки - 05

The Little Red Hen and the Grain of Wheat

ONE day as the Little Red Hen was scratching in a field, she found a grain of wheat.

"This grain of wheat should be planted," 1 she said, "Who will plant this grain of wheat?"

"Not I," said the Duck.

"Not I," said the Cat.

"Not I," said the Dog.

"Then I will," 2 said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

Soon the wheat grew tall and yellow.

"The wheat is ripe," said the Little Red Hen. "Who will cut the wheat?"

"Not I," said the Duck,

"Not I," said the Cat.

"Not I," said the Dog.

"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

When the wheat was cut, the Little Red Hen said, "Who will thresh this wheat?"

"Not I," said the Duck.

"Not I," said the Cat.

"Not I," said the Dog.

"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

When the wheat was all threshed, the Little Red Hen said, "Who will take this wheat to the mill?"

"Not I," said the Duck.

"Not I," said the Cat.

"Not I," said the Dog.

"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.




She took the wheat to the mill, and it was made into flour. 3 Then she said, "Who will make this flour into bread?"

"Not I," said the Duck.

"Not I," said the Cat.

"Not I," said the Dog.

"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

She baked the bread. Then she said, "Who will eat this bread?"

"Oh! I will," said the Duck.

"And I will," said the Cat.

"And I will," said the Dog.

"No, no!" said the Little Red Hen. "I will do that." And she did.



1 should be planted — (пшеничное зерно) должно быть посажено

2 Then I will — Тогда я это сделаю (Здесь и далее модальный глагол will выражает желание, намерение, решимость.)

3 and it was made into flour — и ее перемололи в муку

Категория: Электронные книги | Добавил: belomor (22.11.2009)
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