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Димент А. Л. - Тематические вечера на английском языке - 05

    Schoolchildren and Their School

    (V класс)


    Зал оформляется следующим образом:

    1. Большой плакат со словами: "You Are Welcome to Our School".

    2. Монтаж "Our School Life", в нем фотографии учащихся на уроках, в музее боевой славы школы, в школьной библиотеке, на пришкольном участке и т. п. Под каждой фотографией надпись на английском языке.

    3. Витрина с лучшими сочинениями учащихся. (За неделю до вечера учащиеся получают задание написать сочинение на одну из тем: "My Life at Home and at School", "My School and My Schoolmates").

    4. Стенд с книгами для внеклассного чтения.

    Для этого вечера предлагаются сценки по книге "Jennings and His Friends" (no Антони Бакериджу). Действие происходит в классе. Учащиеся одеты в короткие брюки, учителя в темные костюмы.


    Compere: Dear boys and girls! Good evening. We, your teachers and I, are glad to see you and your parents. Today we're going to talk about school. You will see plays about English schoolchildren. You will try to guess riddles, play games, sing songs and take part in competitions. I hope that you are all good friends and like to be together. So let's sing the song "The More We Get Together".



    The More We Get Together

    The more we get together, together, together,

    The more we get together, the happier we are!

    For your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends.

    The more we get together, the happier we are!


    Все участники вечера поют этот куплет два раза.


    Compere: Well done! Now you'll see a few scenes from the book "Jennings and His Friends" by Antony Buckeridge, a modern English writer. The action of this book takes place in a boarding-school where the children of the rich live and study. The conditions he describes existed in such schools in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Today there is running water in such schools, no wash-basins and wet sponges. And no one washes his feet in the dormitory. Latin is no longer studied by everybody. (Three boys appear in front of the curtain.)

    Compere: Meet Bromwich, Temple and Atkinson. They have been pupils at this boarding-school for two years. (The boys bow low and leave. Two more boys appear and go up to the Compere.)

    Compere: Oh! Here are two new pupils. They've arrived today. They are to be roommates with the other three boys.

    Jennings: My name is Jennings. I think I'll like school.

    Darbishire: I'm Darbishire and I don't think I'll like school. I want to go home. (Everybody goes off.)


    Jennings and His Friends

    (After Antony Buckeridge)



    Mr. Pemberton (the Headmaster).

    Mr. Carter (a schoolmaster) — a young man with a pleasant face.

    Mr. Wilkins (a schoolmaster) — a large strong man.

    Jennings — a small boy with dark hair.

    Darbishire — a thin boy wearing spectacles.

    Venables — an untidy boy, his boots are not tied well.

    Temple — the tallest and the. strongest boy in the class.

    Bromwich. Atkinson.

    Mrs. Atkinson (his grandmother) — a tall fat woman.


    Scene I

    Place: A bedroom. There are two chairs on the right and one on the left. We see a towel on each chair. There are three washbasins in the corner of the room, each with a jug of water in it.

    (Five boys enter. Temple, Venables and Atkinson go to the right and begin to talk to each other in tow voices. Darbishire sits down on the chair on the left. He is unhappy. Jennings goes up to him.)

    Jennings (in a friendly voice): What's the matter with you, Darbishire?

    Darbishire: Nothing. But I don't like this place. When I'm at home my father always comes and talks to me when I'm in bed and — well, it's so different here, isn't it?

    (He stands.)

    Jennings: I don't know, maybe we'll be quite happy here in three or four years.

    Darbishire: In three or four years! '

    (Venables goes up to the new boys.)

    Venables: You've got a lot to learn. Wait till you have the Headmaster's Latin lesson.

    (Atkinson and Temple go up to the other boys.)

    Atkinson (with a look at Venables): He made me write the passive of "audio" twenty-five times once. Temple: And if you stop when you're writing it, you get a stripe. I got fifty-seven stripes for Latin last term and I'm the best in the form.

    Jennings: What are the other masters like?

    Temple: Old Wilkie is awful, I — I — I — you — you — you... Come here, Temple, you silly little boy. You don't know such a simple thing. Write it a hundred and fifty million times before ten o'clock.

    Darbishire (upset): Do you mean he gets angry?

    Venables (looking right into his eyes): Yes, very often.

    Jennings: What's Mr. Carter like?

    Atkinson: Oh, he's all right.

    Venables: Now what else have you got to know? Well, you mustn't put your hands in your pockets.

    Jennings: Why not?

    Venables: I don't know! It's a rule.

    Darbishire: And if I want my handkerchief?

    (Takes his handkerchief out of his pocket.)

    Venables: You know what I mean. You mustn't walk about with your hands in your pockets. And you mustn't run in the corridors; you mustn't use fountain-pens; you mustn't play noisy games in the Assembly Hall. (Thinks for a while.) Oh, yes. And you mustn't eat sweets before dinner.

    Jennings (ironically): May we breathe without special permission?

    (The bell rings.)

    Atkinson: That's the five minutes bell. In five minutes we must be in our beds.

    Venables (to the new boys): Oh, and there's another rule, boys, you have to wash your feet every night.

    (While the other boys go to the right Jennings runs to the corner of the room, takes a wash-basin, sits down on the chair and begins to wash his feet. Venables goes up to him.)

    Venables: I say, Jennings. What are you doing?

    Jennings: Washing. You said I'd got to wash my feet.

    Venables (shouts): But you can't have that basin first. This basin is Temple's. He used it last term. New boys have to wash last.

    Jennings: Well, I'm here now.

    Temple (goes up to Jennings): That's my basin, Jennings. Get out!

    Jennings: Well, I didn't know.

    Temple (angrily): You ought to know. Get out!

    Jennings (in a louder voice): I was here first and I'm going to wash first.

    Temple (rudely): Well, I'm going to count three, Jennings, and if you don't get out, I'll pour water out of this jug down your back.

    Jennings: I won't get out.

    Temple: All right, then.

    (He counts up to three, then pours some water down Jennings's back. Jennings gives a great shout. Mr. Carter comes in. Jennings calmly dries his feet and stands.)

    Mr. Carter (m a strict voice): Who is responsible for that noise?

    Jennings (in a faint voice): I was, sir, but it was Temple's fault. He poured some water down my back and made me all wet.

    Atkinson and Venables (in a whisper): Sneak! Sneak! (sneak — школ. sl. ябеда)

    Mr. Carter: Jennings, you don't quite understand, I didn't say who made that noise. I asked who was responsible for it.

    (Nobody answers.)

    Mr. Carter: I haven't heard the answer to my question. Well, who was responsible for these shouts?

    Temple (timidly): I was, sir.

    Mr. Carter: Thank you, Temple! We'll talk about that in the morning. Come and see me after breakfast.

    Temple: Yes, sir.

    Mr. Carter: Good night, everybody.

    (He goes off.)

    Temple (angrily): You little sneak, Jennings. You wait! I'll beat you tomorrow.

    Atkinson (goes up to Temple): That's quite right, Temple. Do it before tea, that's the best time.

    Jennings (begins to cry): It wasn't my fault.

    Atkinson: It's time to go to bed. Sh! Sh! We mustn't make a noise. That means we must talk in whispers.

    Venables: Mr. Carter can hear you even when he is at the far end of the corridor.

    Jennings (in a whisper): Well, it wasn't my fault.

    Temple: Of course it was. You didn't have to shout so loud.

    Jennings: Then I'm sorry, Temple.

    Temple: All right, but don't do it again.

    Venables: You're not going to forgive him, Temple, are you? Even Mr. Carter knew that Jennings said the wrong thing.

    Temple (with a sigh): All right, then. I'll beat him tomorrow.

    Darbishire (steps forward): But you've already forgiven him, haven't you? It won't be fair if you beat him. My father says you must never go back on your word.

    Venables (rudely): Shut up, Darbishire. Nobody asked you.

    Temple: If you say anything else, Darbishire, I'll beat you tomorrow when I finish with Jennings. And you can tell your father so.

    Atkinson: I say, Jennings, Temple won the school boxing championship last term.

    Darbishire: Well, if he's a boxer, I don't think it's fair if he beats Jennings.

    Venables: Shut up, Darbishire.

    Temple (turns to his friends): If Darbishire says one more word, I'll beat him too.

    Venables: I don't want to be you tomorrow, Jennings.

    Jennings: Don't worry about me.




    Scene II

    Place: A classroom with several desks, a teacher's table and a chair. To the left is the notice-board. Mr. Carter goes up to the notice-board and pins two sheets of paper on it.

    Mr. Carter (turns to the audience): The first football games are to start today. I've just pinned the football teams on the board. The new boys are to play in "B" game, after which the best players will go into "A" game.

    (Jennings, Darbishire and several other pupils enter and take their seats at the desks.)

    Mr. Carter: Jennings and Darbishire, come up to me.

    (The boys go up to the teacher.)

    Mr. Carter: Have you played much football, Jennings?

    Jennings (with a smile): Yes, quite a lot, sir. I'm not at all bad, really.

    Mr. Carter: We'll see. And what about you, Darbishire?

    Darbishire (slowly): I can't say I'm good at ball games, but I'll try my best.

    Mr. Carter: I'm trying Jennings as centre-forward. And you'll play outside-left, Darbishire.

    Boys (together): Thank you, sir.

    (They take their seats again and open their books. Mr. Carter leaves. Bromwich, who is sitting in the first row in front of the master's desk, turns to the pupils.)

    Bromwich: Has anybody got my arithmetic book?

    The rest of the class: No!

    Bromwich: Can anyone lend me an arithmetic book? I'm sitting in front of the master's desk and Old Wilkie'll be angry if I haven't got a book.

    Jennings: You can have my book. I'll use Darbishire's.

    Bromwich: Thank you. He won't see that you two are using one book. You're sitting at the back of the class but you must have a book if you sit in front of Old Wilkie.

    Jennings (throwing his book to Bromwich): Catch!

    (Bromwich doesn't catch it and it falls on the bottle of ink on the master's table. Now, all over the table there are small lakes of ink. There is ink on Bromwich's book too.)

    Bromwich (shouts at Jennings): How can you be so clumsy?

    Jennings (shouts back): But I wasn't. You couldn't catch it. And you've spilt ink all over the table. Now what will happen! Just you wait till Old Wilkie...

    (He stopped because the time of waiting had already passed. The door opened and Mr. Wilkins was in the classroom. The door crashed into the corner of the master's desk and the ink-bottle began to roll over the desk, and then over Bromwich's exercise-book)

    Mr. W. (in surprise): Oh, goodness! Did I do that? I suppose I did. Very clumsy. Sorry, sorry. (He turns to the class.) Take some blotting-paper somebody! Quick! And it's all over your book too, Bromwich! Sorry. Well, no use crying over spilt milk.

    (Darbishire puts up his hand.)

    Mr. W.: Well? What do you want?

    Darbishire (politely): I want to say, sir, that there's some ink on Bromwich's nose, sir.

    Mr. W. (angrily): Don't interrupt me.

    (Jennings puts up his hand.)

    Mr. W.: What do you want, Jennings?

    Jennings: Sir, you know when you spilt the ink, don't you?

    Mr. W.: Yes, I know.

    Jennings: Well, sir, let's suppose you hadn't spilt it.

    Mr. W.: We can't suppose that. If I spilt it, I spilt it. Go on with your work, Jennings.

    Jennings (in a louder voice): I know you thought you'd spilt it and I know it looked as if you'd spilt it; but suppose, you hadn't spilt it, sir?

    (Mr. Wilkins thinks that Jennings is trying to make fun of him.)

    Mr. W. (angrily): Are you trying to be funny, boy?

    Jennings: No, sir.

    Mr. W.: Well then, don't talk nonsense. I can see quite well. I've got eyes in my head. I can see ink when it is spilt. I don't see things that aren't there.

    Jennings: No, no, sir. But what if somebody else had spilt it and not you?

    Mr. W.: I — I — I — you — you — you. That's quite enough from you, Jennings.

    Jennings: No, but, sir...

    (Somebody laughs and Mr. Wilkins grows very angry.)

    Mr. W. (shouts): You'll stay in the classroom during football, Jennings, and now go on with your work; I don't want another word from you. (He looks at his watch.) Put your books away: Now go to the changing-room and get ready for football. All except Jennings, he'll stay here.

    (The boys go out of the classroom. They try to hurry, but do not run. Jennings sits in silence with tears in his eyes. Mr. Wilkins goes up to him. Jennings stands.)

    Mr. W.: Why are you crying, Jennings?

    Jennings (sadly): I don't know.

    Mr. W.: Do you want to play football?

    Jennings: Yes, sir.

    Mr. W.: Why didn't you think about that when you were trying to be funny?

    Jennings: But I wasn't trying to be funny, sir. I was only trying to tell you that you didn't spill the ink.

    Mr. W.: Oh? I didn't spill the ink? (He is again angry.) Very funny, I didn't spill the ink? Well, if you know more about what I did than I do, can you tell me what I really did?

    Jennings: You didn't do anything, sir. You opened the door...

    Mr. W.: And the ink jumped out of the bottle all over the desk?

    Jennings: No, sir.

    Mr. W.: You surprise me. Who spilt it, then?

    Jennings (steps forward)): I did, sir. I threw a book to Bromwich but he couldn't catch it and it fell on the bottle of ink which was on your desk, sir, and the ink ran all over the desk. (There is dead silence in the room. Then Mr. Wilkins begins to laugh.)

    Mr. W.: Ha-ha-ha-ha! Ho-ho-ho-ho! (At last with a smile.) Well, and I was calling myself clumsy, and you wanted to say you had done it and I didn't let you. Come on, go to the changing-room and change; you'll still have time if you hurry.

    Jennings: Thank you, sir. (He runs off.)



    (Mr. Pemberton, the Headmaster, appears in front of the curtain from the left. Jennings runs from the right. He is practicing imaginary corner kicks and kicks the Headmaster by mistake.)

    Mr. P.: Oh!

    Jennings: I'm very sorry, sir. I didn't know you were coming round the corner.

    Mr. P. (angrily): This is a school and not a park. It has rules. And there is a rule that boys mustn't run in the corridors, so that people can safely go round the corners. So I can't understand why you were running and kicking people like a football.

    Jennings: No, sir.

    Mr. P.: No, sir? What do you mean, "No, sir"? You don't agree with what I said, eh?

    Jennings (with his eyes on the floor): No, sir. I mean I agree with you, really.

    Mr. P.: Very kind of you, Jennings. But when I say something which is not a question, it needs no comment.

    Jennings: Yes, sir — I mean — no comment.

    Mr. P.: You'll return to your classroom, Jennings, and think about what happens to boys who run in the corridors. (The Headmaster goes off.)

    Jennings (to the audience): That's the end. No football today.



    Scene III

    Place: The same classroom.

    (Mr. Wilkins is standing near his table. Mrs. Atkinson enters.)

    Mrs. A.: Good afternoon, Mr. Wilkins. I've just seen my grandson. I think he is a better boy now.

    Mr. W.: Of course.

    Mrs. A.: I've brought a few things for him but didn't give them to him. I don't know what you allow your boys to have and what you don't. So I'll leave all these parcels with you.

    Mr. W.: That's all right. He'll get your parcels. Good-bye, Mrs. Atkinson.

    Mrs. A.: Good-bye.

    (Mrs. Atkinson puts her parcels on the table, and leaves. Mr. Wilkins takes one of them, opens it and sees a guinea-pig in a box. He immediately runs after Mrs. Atkinson but soon comes back.

    Mr. W.: She's gone. What'll I do? Really, some grandmothers have no idea of school rules.

    (He goes back to the table and begins to look through the parcels again. He can't find the guinea-pig. He goes down on his hands and knees to look for it. Mr. Carter enters.)

    Mr. C: What are you doing, Wilkins?

    Mr. W.: I'm looking for something.

    Mг. С: What have you lost?

    Mr. W.: (gets up): Well, I've... Well, I know you may not believe me, Carter, but I've lost a guinea-pig.

    Mr. C: I never knew you kept guinea-pigs.

    Mr. W.: I don't keep guinea-pigs. I've never kept guinea-pigs in my life.

    Mr. C.: Then how could you lose something that you never had?

    Mr. W.: You see, Carter! Atkinson's grandmother came in and left a guinea-pig for her grandson. But as we don't allow boys to keep pets at school, I'll keep it until she comes and takes it back. I'll write her about it. But where the guinea-pig is now, I don't know.

    Mr. C. The door's open. Let's look for the guinea-pig in the next room.

    (They go off. Jennings and Darbishire enter. Darbishire sits down at the nearest desk and looks into it.)

    Darbishire: Jennings, come here. Look! A real guinea-pig!

    (Jennings goes up to him and looks into the desk.)

    Jennings (in a whisper): Don't shout, Darbi. Do you want everybody to know about it? Think of what will happen if Old Wilkie or somebody else finds out there is a guinea-pig in the school.

    Darbishire: Let's keep it till we find who it really belongs to.

    Jennings: But what about the rules?

    Darbishire: It'll have to be a secret pet. That's all. Nobody must know anything about it — certainly not Old Wilkie, or any of the teachers.

    (He takes the guinea-pig out of the desk and begins to play with it.)

    Jennings: We must give him something nice to eat so he'll know we're his friends.

    Darbishire (puts the guinea-pig back into the desk): Let's go and see what we can find for him.

    (They go off. Mr. Wilkins enters. He is looking everywhere for the lost guinea-pig and goes from desk to desk. At last he finds it, takes it and goes away with it. In a minute Mr. Carter comes from the right and the boys from the left. They stop and stare at each other.)

    Mr. C: Just look at your pockets, Jennings! And yours, Darbishire. What have you' got in them?

    Darbishire: Er — er — er — cabbage.

    Mr. C: Cabbage! Well, Jennings, what are you doing?

    (Jennings says nothing. He doesn't know what to say.)

    Mr. C: Tell me, have you just seen Mr. Wilkins?

    Jennings: Yes, sir. In the corridor ten minutes ago.

    Mr. C. (with a smile): I'm beginning to understand, Jennings. But you mustn't keep it secret or hide things in your pockets. You'd better take the cabbage to Mr. Wilkins at once: I think he's waiting for it.

    (The boys look at each other in great surprise, then they go off.)




    (The boys appear in front of the curtain.)

    Jennings: I don't understand this at all. Somebody must be crazy.

    Darbishire: What will Old Wilkie say when we take the cabbage to him?

    Jennings: If Mr. Wilkins doesn't understand, it will be Mr. Carter's fault.

    (Mr. Wilkins appears. Jennings goes up to him.)

    Jennings (doesn't know what to say): Well, sir, I've brought you some...

    Mr. W.: Well, go on! What have you brought me?

    Jennings (frightened): Nothing.

    Mr. W. (surprised): But you, you silly little boy, you just told me you had.

    Jennings: Well, sir... you see, sir... It was just something that Mr. Carter said, but perhaps he didn't really mean it. You see, sir, he told me to ask you if you would like some cabbage leaves, sir.

    (Mr. Wilkins begins to smile as he takes the leaves from Jennings.)

    Mr. W.: Yes, I certainly should like some. It's just what I want. And you've brought it just at the right time. Thank you, Jennings. Thank you very much!

    (He goes to the right and the boys go to the left. The curtain rises. The boys enter and go straight to the desk where the guinea-pig had been: but they can't find it.)

    Jennings (shouts): He's run away.

    Darbishire: Start looking, quick! He hasn't had time to go very far.

    (The boys go down on their hands and knees to look for the guinea-pig.)



    Compere: Well, do you think that the adventures of the two English boys, Jennings and Darbishire, are funny?

    Children: Yes, we do.

    Compere: Yes, I do too. Now you will try to guess riddles.

    Ведущий задает загадки по теме "School", на которые поочередно отвечают учащиеся обеих команд.


    1. I don't know

    The ABC,

    But I like to write

    As you can see.

    (A pen, a pencil.)


    2. What is it that looks like a ball?

    Children like to turn it round.

    Rivers, mountains, lakes are found,

    Countries, states and towns

    Can be seen all around.

    (A globe.)


    3. What do you keep in your schoolbag that shows what lessons you must prepare at home?

    (A daybook.)


    4. I'm black,

    And red,

    And blue,

    And many other colours.

    I draw pictures

    For you.

    (A pencil.)


    5. The teacher writes on me with chalk,

    My face is black, I cannot talk.

    (A blackboard.)


    6. What word has three syllables but has twenty-six letters?



    7. There are six of us in every family, but only four in a town.

    What are we?



    8. Why is a book like a tree in summer?

    (Because it is full of leaves.)


    9. I am used to draw lines with,

    I am long and white and thin;

    On my face black figures shine.

    Try, you must my name define.

    (A ruler.)


    10. I know everything, I teach everybody, but to make friends with me you must first learn letters.

    (A book.)


    Compere: Now let's have a little fun. We'll play "The Memory Game" on the topic "School". I shall call on a boy or a girl, who must name any word on the topic "School" (for example: map). The next pupil must repeat this word and add another (for example: map, desk). The third pupil repeats these two words and adds another (for example: map, desk, blackboard) and so on.

    Желающие играть в эту игру выходят на сцену (учащиеся из обеих команд). Водящий поочередно вызывает учащихся из каждой команды. Обязательное условие игры — слова должны повторяться в том же порядке, как они назывались. Сделавшие ошибки школьники выбывают из игры. Побеждает ученик, который назовет правильно больше слов по теме. Победитель приносит 10 очков своей команде.

    Compere: We're speaking about school today, so I want you now to describe pictures which have to do with the topic "School".

    Вывешиваются две картинки на тему "School" (левая для первой команды, правая — для второй), представителям каждой команды разрешается смотреть на картину две минуты. Потом картинки поворачиваются обратной стороной и учащиеся каждой команды должны описать свою картинку по памяти. При подведении итогов за этот вид конкурса учитывается правильность речи, качество произношения и интонации и логика изложения.

    Compere: Now let's see who knows proverbs best. I'll give you some English proverbs and you will give the Russian equivalents to them:

    1. Actions speak louder than words. (He по словам судят, а по делам. О человеке судят по его делам.)

    2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Друзья познаются в беде. Друг в нужде — истинный друг.)

    3. All is well that ends well. (Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.)

    4. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. (Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.)

    5. Business before pleasure. (Сделал дело, гуляй смело.)

    6. First think, then speak. (Сперва подумай, потом говори.)

    7 Handsome is as handsome does. (О человеке судят не по словам, а по делам.)

    8. Honesty is the best policy. (Честность — лучшая политика.)

    9. Live and learn. (Век живи — век учись.)

    10. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. (He откладывай на завтра, что можешь сделать сегодня.)


    Compere: I liked team I (II) better. The score is ... to ... .

    Now comes a song about schoolchildren.




    1. Together, together,

    Together ev'ry day;

    Together, together

    We work and we play.


    2. Together, together

    We read our books each day;

    Together, together

    We work and we play.


    3. Together, together

    We write some words each day;

    Together, together

    We work and we play.


    4. Together, together

    We write our exercises;

    Together, together

    We work and we play.


    Все дети встают и поют эту песню. После этого члены жюри называют лучшие сочинения учащихся, а также объявляют окончательные результаты конкурса между классами на вечере. При этом учитывается массовость выступлений и их качество, активность и культура поведения каждого класса.

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