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Димент А. Л. - Тематические вечера на английском языке - 03


    (III — IV классы)


    Для этого вечера предлагается использовать две пьески "The Fox and the Cock" и "How the Tail of the Fox Became White" из книги "Poems, Songs, Plays". Действие этих пьес происходит в лесу. Лес можно изобразить на обратной стороне обоев, на которых красками рисуются стволы деревьев и крона, затем они вырезаются по контуру и прибиваются к планкам с угольниками. Угольники прикрепляются к полу, а верхушки деревьев можно подтянуть к потолку веревкой. Между деревьями хорошо поставить обернутые зеленой бумагой вазоны с цветами.

    Для всех животных учащиеся делают самодельные маски и хвостики. На лисе маска, рыжеватая шубка и пушистый хвост. У петушка пестрая рубашка, маска с гребешком и пестрый хвост. На руках — красные перчатки. На курах белые платьица, маски и белые хвостики, на руках тоже красные перчатки. На медведе надет коричневый костюм, к которому приделан маленький хвостик, на лице — маска, на руках — коричневые перчатки. Волк одет в серый костюм, на руках — серые перчатки, на лице — маска.

    За неделю до утренника все учащиеся получают следующие задания:

    1. Написать сочинение на тему "My Pet" и красочно его оформить.

    2. Нарисовать картинки любимых животных.

    3. Сделать себе костюм любого животного, если не занят в пьесе.


    Compere: Dear parents, boys and girls and teachers. I'm glad to see you. Every year we meet here. You dance, play games, recite poems, sing songs, show plays, have competitions. I hope you all enjoy our English parties. This time we are going to talk about animals. What animals do you know?

    Сидящие в зале учащиеся поднимают руки, встают и называют всех известных им животных.

    Compere: That'll do. You know a lot of animals. Perhaps you know a few poems about them. What poems do you know?

    Учащиеся встают один за другим, выходят на сцену и декламируют стихотворения, подготовленные к этому вечеру. Желательно, чтобы каждый из них имел соответствующую игрушку или картинку животного, о котором говорит.

    Girl: I love my cat,

    It's warm and fat.

    My cat is grey,

    It likes to play.

    Boy: I will not hurt my little dog,

    But stroke and pat his head;

    I like to see him wag his tail,

    I like to see him fed.

    Girl: Once I saw a little bird

    Come hop, hop, hop,

    And I cried,

    "Little bird, Will you stop, stop, stop?"

    I was going to the window

    To say, "How do you do?"

    And he shook his little tail

    And away he flew.

    Boy: Cuckoo, cuckoo, what do you do?

    "In April I open my bill;

    In May I sing all day;

    In June I change my tune;

    In July away I fly;

    In August away I must."

    Girl: Baa, baa, black sheep,

    Have you any wool?

    Yes, sir, yes, sir,

    Three bags full;

    One for the master,

    And one for the dame,

    And one for the little boy

    Who lives down the lane.

    Boy: My dog is clever, strong and quick,

    Its name is Spot, my name is Nick.

    My dog is nice, my dog is gay,

    We play together every day.

    Through heavy snow, rain and fog

    I go walking with my dog.

    My father always tells me:

    "Mind, The dog must not be left behind."

    Girl: I love little pussy,

    Her coat is so warm,

    And if I don't hurt her

    She'll do me no harm.

    So I'll not pull her tail,

    Or drive her away,

    But pussy and I

    Very gently will play.

    She will sit by my side

    And I'll give her some food;

    And pussy will love me

    Because I am good.

    Boy: Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

    Little brown bird,

    Was that your singing

    Through the wood ringing?

    Sweeter music Never was heard!

    Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

    Good news you bring:

    Blossoms are waking,

    Green leaves are breaking,

    Come and tell us

    It is the spring!

    Girl: When the snow is on the ground,

    Little Robin Redbreast grieves;

    For no berries can be found,

    And on the trees there are no leaves.

    The air is cold, the worms are hid,

    For this poor bird what can be done?

    We'll strew him here some crumbs of bread,

    And then he'll live till the snow is gone.

    Boy: I wonder, have you ever heard

    My parrot? He is a talking bird.

    He says "Hallo" to any man, Who says "Hallo" to him.

    He eats and sleeps and talks again;

    But in his dreams he sees

    Palms and unknown jungle trees,

    And hides from tropical rains.

    Girl: I love all kinds of animals,

    Dogs and cats and rabbits.

    I love all kinds of animals,

    I know their little habits.

    Boy: If I had plenty of money,

    Do you know what I would do?

    I'd buy such lots of animals

    And have my own little Zoo.

    But they wouldn't be in cages,

    They'd be free to run around.

    And there's one thing they would know,

    That thing is to be safe and sound.

    Compere: Now, I think you can dramatize some poems about animals. Who can?

    Выходят две девочки. На одной костюм мышки, на другой — кошки.

    Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

    Where is your house?

    Tell me, my sweet!

    Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

    Stay in your flat,

    There is nothing here to eat!

    Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

    Where is your house,

    Where dp you live?

    Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

    Stay in your flat,

    I have nothing to give.

    Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

    Where is your house?

    Come out and talk to me!

    Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

    No, no, I won't do that!

    You want to eat me!

    Compere: Good for you all. I see you really know a lot of poems about birds and animals and now I want to see which team knows the names of more wild animals. Will four pupils from each team come up to me? That'll do. Let's play the game "Wild Animals". I'll throw a ball to each of you in turn. When you catch it, you must name a wild animal. Do it as quickly as you can.

    Ведущий кидает мяч поочередно стоящим возле него ученикам, каждый ловит мяч, называет дикое животное и возвращает мяч учителю, который вновь его кидает другому ученику. Ученик выбывает из игры, если он ошибся, не смог сразу ответить или повторил слово, которое уже было названо. Если же этого не произошло, то победительницей считается команда, которая назвала больше животных. Для того чтобы точно знать, что называлось, а что нет, один из учителей записывает слова.

    Compere: That'll do. I see that you know the names of wild animals. Now, show us your drawings and tell us about your pets.

    Учащиеся выходят с рисунками своих любимцев с двух сторон, прикрепляют рисунки на классную доску и поочередно рассказывают о своих любимцах.

    Compere: Most children love animals. They have pets at home and take care of them. But some boys and girls give their pets too much food to eat. That's why their pets become too fat and can't run and jump well. Look at this puppy!

    Мальчик показывает рисунок, на котором нарисован толстый щенок, и читает стихотворение. Все учащиеся в зале при словах "Jump, puppy, jump" встают и прыгают на месте.

    Boy: Spot is a plump puppy,

    Still he can jump.

    Jump, puppy! Jump, puppy!

    Jump, puppy, jump.

    If you jump plenty

    You'll not be so plump.

    So jump, puppy,

    Plump puppy, jump!

    Jump, puppy, jump.

    Compere: If you want to teach your pet to move quickly, you must be strong and quick yourself. Now let me see which team is the strongest. Will ten boys from Team I come up to me? Good! Now line up on my right. One behind the other. Now ten boys from Team II will line up on the left one behind the other. Face each other. Here is the rope between you. Now ' each boy must take the rope in his hands. When I say: "One, two, three, go!" you must pull with all your might and try to pull the other team over to your side.

    Проводится конкурс, какая команда перетянет канат.

    Compere: I see that many of you are very strong and quick. I hope that your pets will be strong and quick too. And now let's play the game "Guess the Animal". Team I is to think of any animal it likes. Team II is to ask general questions and then guess which animal Team I thought of.

    Каждая команда по одному разу задумывает животное, а команда противника, задавая общие вопросы, старается отгадать, какое животное было задумано.

    Вот примерные вопросы:

    Does it live in people's houses (on a farm, in the forest, in the jungle, in water)? Is it a wild animal or a domestic one? Is it large (small)? Does it eat meat (grass, corn, fish, fruit or vegetables)? Has it a long tail? Is its coat bushy? Compere: Now we come to little plays. I know that both teams prepared little plays about animals. One is "The Fox and the Cock", the other is "How the Tail of the Fox Became White".


    The Fox and the Cock


    The Fox.

    The Cock.

    The Story-teller.


    Story-teller: One morning the Cock went for a walk in the forest. He saw a very big tree, so he flew up and sat in it. The Fox was in the forest too. He came up to the tree and saw the Cock in it.

    Fox (to himself): Oh, that Cock will be a very nice breakfast for me. (He turns to the Cock.) Good morning, dear friend. How are you?

    Cock: I'm very well, thank you.

    Fox: Do you know that all the animals are friends now? The dog and the cat are friends. The cat and the mouse are friends, too. And the birds and the fox; we are all friends now.

    Cock: That's good. That's very, very good indeed.

    Fox: As we are all friends now, will you come to my house? You'll have a tasty breakfast, I promise you.

    Cock: Thank you very much; that's very kind of you. (He turns to the right.) Oh, I say! Look over there! That's a dog. It is coming here. Dogs like tasty breakfasts, too. Ask the dog to come to your house for breakfast. Don't you think that's a good idea, Fox?

    Fox (greatly frightened): A dog? You say a dog is coming? Then good-bye. I am going. My breakfast will be ready now, and I'm hungry.

    Cock (laughs): Dear Fox, dear Fox, where are you going? Don't go. I want to come down and have breakfast with you. All the animals are friends now, you say.

    Fox (turns to the audience): Yes, all the animals are friends now; but does that dog know it? (The Fox runs away.)



    Compere: Now let us see the second play. It is also about animals. Its title is "How the Tail of the Fox Became White".



    How the Tail of the Fox Became White


    The Bear.

    The Wolf.

    The Old Woman.

    The Fox.

    The Story-teller.

    The Cocks.

    The Hens.



    Scene I

    (An Old Woman walks slowly across the stage. She has a stick in her hand.)

    Story-teller: Once upon a time there was an old woman, who had a large farm. She had many cows, sheep, pigs and chickens. She had to take care of her animals and do all the housework. This was too much for her, so one day she went to find someone to help her.

    (The Story-teller goes off. The Old Woman appears from the right, the Bear — from the left.)

    Bear: Where are you going, lady?

    Old Woman: I'm looking for someone to take care of my cows, sheep, and pigs.

    Bear: Ah! That's just the work for me. I have wanted to find that kind of work for a long time.

    Old Woman: Oh? I'm glad. Will you help me? But can you call the sheep to come home?

    Bear: Yes, yes, just listen. (He calls loudly.) Ouff! Ouff!

    Old Woman (sadly): No, no, you will never do. Your voice will frighten all the sheep in the country. They will never come home.

    (She goes to the left and the Bear — to the right. In a few seconds she appears again and meets the Wolf.)

    Wolf: Where are you going, lady?

    Old Woman: I'm looking for someone to take care of my cows, sheep and pigs.

    Wolf: Why not take me? That's just the work for me.

    Old Woman: Do you know how to call animals?

    Wolf: Oh, yes, just listen. Ow-w-w! Ow-w-w!

    Old Woman: Oh, you will not do, your voice is so unpleasant that my cows will never come home.

    (They part. Soon the woman enters again. The Fox follows her.)

    Fox (very politely): Where are you going, my good woman?

    Old Woman: I'm looking for someone to take care of my animals.

    Fox (happily): Ah! That's just the work for me. My voice is very soft, and the animals will come at once when I call them.

    Old Woman: Let me hear you call them.

    Fox: Certainly. Tum-ta-ta, Tum-ta-ta-tum!

    Old Woman: That's very good, indeed. I'll take you.

    (They go out.)


    Scene II

    Place: A room in the Old Woman's house.

    Story-teller: All went well for a few days. In the morning the Fox drove the sheep and cows to the field. He fed the pigs and looked after the ducks and chickens. But one morning the Old Woman missed her little black pig.

    Old Woman (with a broom in her hand): Where is my little black pig, Mr. Fox?

    Fox: He is out in the field. He will soon come home.

    Old Woman: And where is the old black hen and her little chickens?

    Fox: Oh, she found a new nest down by the river.

    (The woman goes out.)

    Story-teller: Now imagine you are looking at the yard behind the Old Woman's house. There is a can of milk in the yard. The cocks and hens are eating corn. The Fox comes in and tries to catch a hen.

    Cocks and Hens (running about): Chuck-chuck-chuck! Ca-darcut! Ca-darcut!

    (The Fox catches a hen. The woman comes back with a broom in her hands. She sees the Fox with a hen in his mouth.)

    Old Woman: You cruel fox! You're a thief! (She throws the broom at him.) You ate my little black pig and my old black hen and her chickens. Shame on you!

    (The Fox tries to run away but upsets a full can of milk.)

    Story-teller: Look at the Fox! The tip of his tail has touched the milk on the ground and it has become white.

    (The Fox runs away.)

    Story-teller: The Fox rah off into the forest as fast as he could; and to this day the tip of a fox's tail is always white.




    Compere: What do you think? Was the Old Woman clever or wasn't she? Why wasn't she? I hope you liked the plays. Now I want you to sing the song "Old John Brown's Farm".




    Old John Brown's Farm


    1. Old John Brown, he had a farm,

    Oh — I — oh — I — oh!

    And in that farm he had some ducks,

    Oh — I — oh — I — oh!

    With a quack-quack here,

    And a quack-quack there,

    Here a quack,

    There a quack,

    Everywhere a quack-quack.


    2. Old John Brown, he had a farm,

    Oh — I — oh — I — oh!

    And in that farm he had some chicks,

    Oh — I — oh — I — oh!

    With a chuck-chuck here,

    And a chuck-chuck there,

    Here a chuck,

    There a chuck,

    Everywhere a chuck-chuck.

    Quack-quack here,

    And a quack-quack there.

    Here a quack,

    There a quack,

    Everywhere a quack-quack.


    3. Old John Brown, he had a farm,

    Oh — I — oh — I — oh!

    And in that farm he had some dogs,

    Oh —I —oh —I —oh!

    With a bow-wow here,

    And a bow-wow there,

    Here a bow,

    There a wow,

    Everywhere a bow-wow.

    Chuck-chuck here,

    And a chuck-chuck there,

    Here a chuck,

    There a chuck,

    Everywhere a chuck-chuck.

    Quack-quack here,

    And a quack-quack there,

    Here a quack,

    There a quack,

    Everywhere a quack-quack.


    Compere: I liked the song and you sang well. Now we'll see who is the best in saying these tongue-twisters.

    Вывешивается лист, на котором очень крупно написаны следующие скороговорки:

    1. Pat's black cat is in Pat's black hat.

    2. A girl sees six big grey geese.

    3. A cup of nice coffee in a nice coffee-cup.

    4. Snow is so snowy when it is snowing.

    После этого ведущий поочередно вызывает с места желающих принять участие в этом конкурсе, учитывая, чтобы было равное количество представителей от каждой команды. За каждую хорошо произнесенную скороговорку дается одно очко.

    Compere: Now I want to see how well you draw. One pupil from each team will come up to the blackboard and draw an animal.

    Вызываются по одному художнику из каждой команды на конкурс, кто лучше нарисует животное. Пока они рисуют на доске цветными мелками, водящий загадывает загадки попеременно учащимся обеих команд.

    Compere: Now, while they are drawing, the rest of you listen to my riddles and try to guess them.

    1. I have a bushy tail,

    Sometimes I'm grey and sometimes I'm red,

    I like nuts.

    What am I?

    (A squirrel.)


    2. This animal is small,

    It lives in the woods

    And runs very fast.

    It is afraid of everything. What animal is it?

    (A hare.)


    3. It doesn't speak,

    Nor does it sing,

    Or at the door-bell

    Give a ring,

    But still it lets

    Its master know

    Someone wants to see him.

    (A dog.)


    4. There is an animal that has a beautiful yellow skin with black stripes on it. It is a very fierce wild animal. It lives mostly in hot countries.

    (A tiger.)


    5. I'm grey and I'm very big, I live in the jungle, but you can also find me at the Zoo or in the circus. I don't eat meat. I like vegetables, leaves, grass and fruit.

    (An elephant.)


    6. I am red and I have a fine bushy tail, I like meat. I hunt and eat small animals.

    (A fox.)


    7. A very funny animal which moves very quickly. It can hang by its tail.

    (A monkey.)


    8. My long, thin legs

    Are good and fast;

    I like to gallop and to run.

    Oh, yes, I think it is great fun.

    (A horse.)


    9. He is not a tailor but carries needles with him.

    (A hedgehog.)


    10. I'm a little bird

    Dressed in grey,

    I hop here and there

    And never go away.

    (A sparrow.)


    11. It's grey, but it isn't a wolf,

    Long-eared, but not a hare,

    With hoofs, but not a horse.

    What is it?

    (A donkey.)



    This animal can go without food and water for a long time.

    What is it?

    (A camel.)


    После отгадывания загадок учитель просит учащихся сначала угадать, какое животное нарисовано, а затем предлагает им описать животное, нарисованное «художником» команды противника.

    Compere: And now, Team II, look at the animal drawn by the "artist" of Team I. You are to describe it. Each of you will make a sentence about it. Mind, all your sentences must be without mistakes and in logical order.

    Выигрывает команда, которая лучше справится с этим заданием.

    Compere: Now, tell me this: Are horses fast runners?

    Children: Yes, they are.

    Compere: Can turtles run fast?

    Children: No, they can't.

    Compere: Now, children, let's have a race which we'll call "Turtles Can Run Fast" and we'll see if they really can. Two pupils from each team will take part in this race. Here I have four sacks. Two of them are for Team I and two for Team II. The four pupils who want to take part in this race, come up to me. Now each of you take a sack and get into it. Stand in a row, and when I say "Go", you must run in your sacks to where I shall stand. Now, one, two, three! Go!

    Начинается бег в мешках в проходе между сценой и зрительными местами. Это очень забавное зрелище.

    Compere: Now let us go on with our programme. You've seen two plays about animals. But I see many more "animals" in the hall. Let's look at their costumes and choose which is the best.

    Проводится парад костюмов под музыку песни "Old John Brown's Farm" и награждение учащихся за лучшие костюмы.

    Compere: Well, boys and girls. It's very good that you know so much about animals, that you have pets at home, and that you take care of them. None of us must ever forget that animals and birds are our friends.

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