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Английский для детей [19]
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Ученикам [43]
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Всего материалов в каталоге: 260
Показано материалов: 21-30
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About Beauty

Beauty is a difficult question for discussion, because so many people - so many opinions. Beauty can be in all things that surrounds us and all it depends from us, but many people can't see it.

Beauty is in art, music, architecture, painting, in people, in nature and in other things.

Let's take human's beauty. Women and man can be beauty. There are special performances about them. We must distinguish beautiful and attractive people. Not only appearance is important (cool and modern clothes), but also good traits of character. I mean the beauty of the inner world.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 794 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 05.02.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Terrorism is a premeditated, politically motivated violence, aimed on civilians and carried out by sub-national groups. It usually takes the form of bombing, shooting, hijacking, hostage capture and assassinations.

It may sound strange but terrorism as a phenomenon existed even in Ancient Greece. First known terroristic act was setting Arthemida's temple on fire, that took place in the year 356 B.C. and was made by a man called Gerostratus. But at that time such acts were an exception, not a rule.

Things first changed when the sea piracy came to the period of temporary legalization. Then it had some traits of the "classical" terrorism, for example the pirates could act as mercenaries, and a huge fleet of hired pirates' ships could be a major threat for most cities and fortresses at that time. This was often used then for existing political pressure on hostile countries.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 663 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 05.02.2010 | Комментарии (0)



1. Loneliness is a great problem for humanity.

2. Be confident!

3. The inner distances.

4. Why is it so important to have friends?

5. The friendship code.

6. I advise to my friends.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 701 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 05.02.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Unit II

History of Religion. New Ideas about Religion.


Text I


New Ideas About Religion

The people of Western Europe were all Roman Catholics, but by AD 1500, many were unhappy with the way the Church was being run. The Popes and many of the priests seemed interested only in wealth and power and set a bad example in the way they lived their lives. This led to a movement, which became known as the "Reformation", to change and reform the Christian Church. People who joined the movement were called "Protestants" because they were protesting about things that they thought were wrong.

In 1517 a German monk called Martin Luther nailed a list of 95 complaints about the Church and the way priests behaved, to the door of Wittenberg church in Germany.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 748 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 05.02.2010 | Комментарии (0)

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Unit I



Ex. 1. Read the text and discuss it with your partner


Many religions exist on our planet. Among them there is Christianity, the Orthodox, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism and others. But God is unique for every confession.

The science says that there are physical laws that govern the physical universe. The Church says that there are spiritual laws which govern our relationship with God.

The universe, the world and man came into existence in the beginning when God created heaven and earth and all creatures. The Bible presents a true and historical account of Creation.

Man was created by God in his own image. He was created perfectly and without sin. Man can talk with God by praying with his mouth or simply his heart since God knows man's heart.

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1970 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 05.02.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Unit V



Ex. 1. Render in English

Передвижники - художники, входившие в российское демократическое художественное объединение "Товарищество передвижных художественных выставок" (ТПХВ), созданное в 1870 г. по инициативе И. Крамского, Г. Мясоедова, Н. Ге и В. Перова. Первая выставка состоялась в 1871 г. Передвижники испытали воздействие общественных и эстетических взглядов В. Белинского и Н. Чернышевского. Большую роль в формировании их творческой программы сыграл критик В. Стасов. П. Третьяков материально поддерживал передвижников, приобретая их произведения для своей галереи. Передвижники были убежденными реалистами, а выдвинутая ими программа народности искусства выражалась в изображении типических сторон и многогранных характеров социальной жизни, часто с критической тенденцией ("Земство обедает" Г. Мясоедова, 1872 г, "Встреча иконы" К. Савицкого, 1878 г.). Передвижники показывают не только бедность, но и красоту народного быта ("Приход колдуна на крестьянскую свадьбу" В Максимова, 1875 г.), не только страдание, но и стойкость перед лицом жизненных невзгод, мужество и силу характеров

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1707 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 29.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Unit IV.

Power of Realism


Ex. 1. Read and discuss the text:

A. Venetsianov

A. Venetsianov (1780-1847) didn’t come of a family of artists, neither did he study at the Academy of Fine Arts. Actually a self-taught artist, he became a leader of a whole school of Russian painters. He contributed to the history of Russian culture much that was new and original. In fact, his creations marked the birth of Russian genre and landscape painting. There are the most outstanding productions of this master

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1316 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 29.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Unit III.

Social Problems Through Art and Children in Russian Painting


Bogdanov-Belsky Nikolai Petrovich

Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky was born in the province of Smolensk into a peasant family. From 1884 to 1889 he studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture under Makovsky, Polenov and Pryanishnikov. From 1890 onwards he exhibited with the Itinerants, and in 1895 became a member of the Society for Circulating Art Exhibitions. Bogdanov-Belsky had a particular liking for depicting peasants, especially peasant children. His generally acclaimed paintings devoted to village school life are "Oral Reckoning at Rachinsky’s People’s school” (1903). Bogdanov-Belsky painted a serious of portraits of eminent figures of contemporary Russian culture, among them the pedagogue, professor Rachinsky (1903), the artist Borhm, the historian and bibliographer Barsukov (1902), Fiodor Shaliapin (1916) and Maxim Gorky (1940).

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 6273 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 29.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Unit II

Museums, Art Galleries, Exhibitions


Ex. 1. Practice the reading:

Museums of Moscow:

Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts — Музей изобразительных искусств имени А. С. Пушкина

Tretyakov Gallery — Третьяковская галерея

Pushkin Museum — Музей А. С. Пушкина

Museum of Moscow History — Музей истории Москвы

Central House of Art — Центральный Дом художника

Battle of Borodino Museum — Музей-панорама "Бородинская битва"

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 3176 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 29.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

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Unit I

General Problems on Art


Ex. 1. Try to answer the following questions:

1.      What purposes does true art serve?

2.      How does art help to educate the people?

3.      Do you think art can be great if it is not linked with the life of the people, their interests and ideas?

4.      Is it worth while creating pictures or sculptures if they are intended for a select few?

5.      When did the epoch of … (realism, abstractionism) begin?

6.      What brought realism to life?

7.      What is your opinion of the theory of "art for art’s safe”?

Толстикова Т.А. | Просмотров: 1560 | Добавил: belomor | Дата: 29.01.2010 | Комментарии (0)

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